EK O-Ring chain has excellent performance at a great price. EK Chain was at the forefront of Sealed chain development and manufacture in the early 70’s, first used as genuine chain on the Kawasaki Z1. O’ring used for SRO Series.

QX-Ring is a Slim Profile chain with 40% less friction than a normal O-ring chain and 150% better endurance. Used for SRX2 series, 420SRX and 428ZVX.

The NX-ring is EK most recent seal development. Improving over the QX-ring seal through design refinements on contact points, the NX-ring achieves a 15% reduction in friction. It also dissipates more heat under the improved design, aiding chain wear life. The NX-ring is made strong to meet the demand of the most powerful motorcycles available.

EK’s SX-Ring is an even slimmer profile racing specified seal utlising the same ‘X’ style design that provides 40% less friction than a normal O-ring seal. Combining this with the extra low profile allows this seal to achieve the best wear to use ratio of any QX-Ring option. This seal is exclusive to EK’s narrow racing chain line ‘RR/RRSM’.